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Distanciador de 4 patas - Pesante à punta

Distanciador de 4 patas - Pesante à punta

Technische informatie

Type Apellidos Dekking rebar #/Bolsa #/Paleta
PU20P U Pesante With Spikes 20 20 6-20 500 50000
PU25P U Pesante With Spikes 25 25 6-20 500 42000
PU30P U Pesante With Spikes 30 30 6-20 500 39000
PU35P U Pesante With Spikes 35 35 6-20 500 36000
PU40P U Pesante With Spikes 40 40 6-20 500 30000
PU45P U Pesante With Spikes 45 45 6-20 500 30000
PU50P U Pesante With Spikes 50 50 6-20 500 27500
PU55P U Pesante With Spikes 55 55 6-20 500 27500

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